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Comparison: AGM BATTERIES vs CAPACITORS in 12/24v Jump Starters

Comparison: AGM BATTERIES vs CAPACITORS in 12/24v Jump Starters

Jun 09, 2023

Jump Starter Australia

Comparison: AGM BATTERIES vs CAPACITORS in 12/24v Jump Starters


When it comes to Professional jump starters, two popular options available on the market are the 12/24v AGM batteries jump starter, known as P1224, and the 12/24v Capacitor Jump Starter, referred to as CAP1224. Both jump starters have their own unique features and capabilities that cater to different needs. In this article, we will examine the differences between these two technologies to help you make an informed decision about which option is best suited for your requirements. 

1.Power Source:

The  primary distinction between the P1224 and CAP1224 jump starters lies in their power sources.

a) P1224 (12/24v AGM Batteries Jump Starter):

AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) batteries are the power source for the P1224 jump starter. These batteries store electrical energy chemically and release it when required. The P1224 offers the advantage of longer-lasting power and the ability to provide multiple jump starts without requiring immediate recharging. Additionally, AGM batteries typically have a higher capacity, enabling them to handle well heavy loads. 

b) CAP1224 (12/24v Capacitor Jump Starter):

In contrast, the CAP1224 jump starter employs capacitors as its power source. Capacitors store electrical energy in an electric field, which allows for rapid energy discharge when needed. Capacitors have the advantage of being able to provide quick bursts of power, making them ideal for situations where a quick jump start is required. However, they typically have a lower overall energy capacity compared to AGM batteries. 

2. Starting Power and Performance:

The performance of a jump starter largely depends on its starting power capabilities. Here's a closer look at how the P1224 and CAP1224 differ in this aspect:

a) P1224:

With AGM batteries, the P1224 jump starter can deliver high starting power at a constant rate, enabling it to handle large engines and vehicles. Its higher energy capacity allows for sustained power output over an extended period, making it suitable for heavy-duty applications. The P1224 is well-suited for jump-starting cars, truck, boats and other vehicles with large engines and can be used as a temporary power source to power small electronic devices, camping equipment, or emergency lighting, among other things. 

b) CAP1224:

The CAP1224 with its capacitors provide excellent starting power with an impressive Peak Amps burst of up to 18,000. With its capacitive power storage technology, it delivers a remarkable surge of energy , allowing for swift and powerful engine ignition. This high peak amps capability make the CAP1224 an exceptional choice for jump-starting all vehicles with both 12v and 24v systems, providing a reliable boost to get engines up and running in no time. However Capacitors have a limited energy storage capacity and may not be suitable for prolonged use as a power source for other devices. 

3. Recharging

Another aspect to consider is the recharging process for these jump starters:

a) P1224:

AGM batteries require recharging after use and are designed to be charged slowly and steadily over time (trickle charging). The P1224 is recharged using an AC smart charger specifically designed for AGM batteries. The time required for a full recharge can vary from several hours to overnight.

b) CAP1224:

Capacitors are fast charging and are recharged using the AC smart charger supplied with the booster, also they can be charged using the vehicle's alternator. When the jump starter is connected to a running vehicle, the alternator generates electrical energy that charges the capacitors. This method of charging a capacitor is useful when you need to recharge the jump starter on-the-go without access to a AC power source. Caution must be used when charging direct from alternator, do not leave on too long, just enough to recharge. It may take anything from 30 seconds to 90 seconds to fully re-charge the capacitor. 

4. Portability and Maintenance

Consider the portability and maintenance aspects of these jump starters:

a) P1224:

AGM batteries are heavier compared to capacitors, making the P1224 a portable unit with a total weight of Kg 23. However, they are relatively easy to maintain being completely sealed batteries only requiring recharging to maintain their capacity. 

b) CAP1224:

Capacitors are much lighter than lead acid AGM batteries making them a popular choice when there are weight restrictions. In the case of the CAP1224 the weight is only Kg13. The capacitors solid-state design eliminates the need for any maintenance. Capacitors are known for their durability and longevity requiring minimal upkeep compared to AGM batteries. 

5. Temperature sensitivity:

Temperature sensitivity is an important consideration, particularly in extremely cold environments.

a) P1224:

AGM batteries can be affected by temperature fluctuations, especially in extremely cold environments. Cold temperatures can reduce their overall capacity and performance. It is essential to keep the P1224 jump starter in a temperature controlled environment or provide additional insulation during the colder seasons. 

b) CAP1224:

Capacitors, on the other hand, are not affected by temperature changes. They can operate effectively in both hot and cold conditions, providing reliable starting power regardless of the weather. 

6. Cost Considerations:

Cost is a crucial factor when deciding between the P1224 and CAP1224 jump starters:

a) P1224:

The P1224 is generally more affordable when first purchasing, however the AGM batteries will require to be replaced in the years to come as a result the price of new batteries has to be taken into consideration. 

b) CAP1224:

The CAP1224 is more expensive at initial purchase but the fact that it is maintenance free makes it cost-effective in the long term. 


In summary, both the 12/24v AGM batteries jump starter (P1224) and the 12/24v Capacitor jump starter (CAP1224) have their own unique advantages and considerations. The P1224 jump starter with AGM batteries offers longer-lasting power and higher capacity. On the other hand, the CAP1224 jump starter with capacitors provides quick and powerful bursts of power, portability and low maintenance. 

When choosing between these options, consider the size of the vehicle, starting power requirements, portability needs, temperature conditions, and budget constraints. Assess your specific needs and preferences to determine which jump starter best suits your requirements. Regardless of your choice, both options will prove to be valuable assets in jump-starting all your vehicles and equipment.